Findings of Readiness and Needs Assessment for Article 6 in Pakistan 

6 December, 2023 17:00 - 6 December, 2023 18:15
Pakistan Pavilion, Blue zone, B6 84

Pakistan has started various projects to prepare for participation in carbon trading under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The country aims to use carbon markets as a viable tool to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change while pursuing sustainable development. Hence, Pakistan sought the collaboration of “Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation” (SPAR6C) Programme.

SPAR6C has worked with Pakistan to develop a Needs and Readiness Assessment to identify existing gaps and identify the tools and guidance required for Pakistan to implement Article 6 successfully. COP28 provides Pakistan with the perfect opportunity to launch and disseminate this crucial document and seek the collaboration and guidance of our audience composed of officials from SPAR6C along with key market players, donors, development experts, and participants from the international community involved in carbon markets, both from the public and private sector. These partners are crucial for Pakistan in working towards its goal of implementing carbon markets in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

The event will also include a panel discussion led by global experts who will discuss the Readiness and Needs Assessment and Article 6 Implementation in Pakistan, touching upon governance frameworks, local capacities and ensuring high integrity.

The panel will also delve upon comprehensive recommendations aligned with Pakistan’s national policies and global agreements, and identify potential carbon market projects in key emission intensive sectors such as cement and waste.


Mr. Asif Hyder Shah, Federal Secretary of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Cooperation

Malin Ahlberg/ Thomas Forth, BMWK/IKI

Dr Karen Olsen / Dr Søren Lutken,
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

Fenella Aouane / Marshall Brown, GGGI

World Bank Representative

Hadika Jamshaid, NDC Partnership


Hafsa Rizwan, National Coordinator, Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C)
in Pakistan

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Pakistan Pavilion, Blue zone, B6 84