Our Expertise
For more than 30 years, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has worked with energy, climate and sustainable development around the world.
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre works on concrete actions at the national and sub-national levels and engages at the international level, primarily through climate change negotiations and UN Energy.
At both levels, the Centre provides technical expertise, assessments, and guidance that strengthen the ambition level in Nationally Determined Contributions in both least developed countries and emerging economies.
In parallel, the Centre also supports effective adaptation actions and efforts to increase national resilience to climate change impacts.
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is a trusted partner that provides state-of-the-art expertise to country partners, strengthened by close links to global knowledge enhancement by UNEP.
The Centre has developed a comprehensive approach to capacity building, considering individual and institutional capacities to address countries’ needs and priorities.
Implementing projects such as the Technological Needs Assessment (TNA), the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT), and the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) and supporting the development and implementation of NDCs in Least Developed Countries and Small island developing states, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has a long history of working in the poorest and most fragile countries.
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has a strong expertise in the area the Paris Agreement Article 6. By delivering technical support, analytical and science-based advice to developing countries through several projects, the Centre works to enhance understanding of the Article 6 rulebook, develop strategies, prioritize mitigation actions and develop pilots, alongside building institutional capacities and strengthening governance frameworks for implementation.
In parallel, an ‘Article 6 and Voluntary Carbon Market Pipeline Analysis and Database’ is being developed, providing independent data and analysis, made publicly available in a user-friendly format.
At the international level, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is a long-term partner in various task forces and working groups providing technical inputs to establish international frameworks and standards under the UN-Energy, UNFCCC, and Paris Agreement umbrellas.
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre’s expertise is anchored in five areas of specialization represented in the sections below:
Section for Mitigation Analysis and Data Management
Analyses efforts to reduce emissions or enhance sinks of greenhouse gases with the aim to inform the preparation and implementation of climate policies and action. Provides in-depth technical advice as well as tracking tools and MRV systems.
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Denis Desgain
Head of Section, Mitigation Analysis and Data Management
Section for Impact assessment and Adaptation Analysis
Identifies and analyses context-specific sectoral planning and policy options, including barriers and enablers for private sector action. Develops and utilises methodologies to measure and track effects, gaps, and trends in climate adaptation and mitigation, while looking at synergies between climate and broader sustainable development goals.
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Henry Neufeldt
Head of Section, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Analysis
Section for Institutional Development
Provides the institutional development expertise required to engage on policy, planning, transparency and market development and for climate policy integration into regular development processes.
Analyses institutional strengths and weaknesses to support new or weak institutions at government, regional and local level.
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Myung Kyoon Lee
Head of Section, Institutional Development
Section for Technology – Transitions and System Innovation
Identifies and assesses barriers and enablers for climate technology transfer and diffusion. Focuses on country needs in technology deployment and facilitates market based innovation with an overall emphasis on creating enabling frameworks for technology transfer.
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Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup
Head of Section, Technology -Transitions and System Innovation
Section for Business Models and Finance
Works directly with the private sector, including financial institutions, using cutting-edge expertise and analysis on successful project development and implementation models.
Bridges existing institutional gaps and operates through partnerships, financial architecture concepts and development of business models.
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Gabriela Prata Dias
Head of section, Business Models and Finance