The Global ESCO Network’s Second International ESCO Symposium brings together ESCOs, energy efficiency professionals, policymakers, industry leaders, financiers and energy experts, highlighting the critical role of ESCOs in accelerating the transition toward a low-carbon and energy-efficient future. Through a series of engaging presentations, interactive panel discussions and networking, the symposium presents the latest trends, regulatory frameworks, financing strategies, and success stories in […]
Tackling barriers to solar irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa: Regional insights from entrepreneurs
Read moreSolar-powered irrigation technologies are increasingly recognized as a vital solution for addressing water access challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa, where agriculture is the backbone of livelihoods and food security. With 90% of cropland dependent on unpredictable rainfall and smallholder farmers producing 80% of the region’s food, sustainable irrigation systems are essential for improving productivity and resilience. Despite this potential, solar irrigation […]
Creating access to clean cooking is essential for climate action and was underscored at the recent high-level summit on clean cooking for Africa, organized by the IEA in May 2024. Charcoal and firewood remain major contributors to deforestation and account for 60-80% of black carbon emissions across Africa, driving substantial net carbon emissions. Using briquettes and pellets from agricultural residues […]
Events 13. November 15.00-16.00 – Arctic Pavilion, D17 – Streaming Mental Health at the Intersection of Loss and Damage: Empowering Arctic Youth and Indigenous Communities 14. November 12:00-13:00 – Faith Pavilion G14a – Streaming Breaking Barriers: Navigating Adaptation Limits: Addressing Loss and Damage through Inclusive and innovative Climate Action 15:00-16:30 – Side event 8 – Streaming From Commitments to Action: Mobilizing […]
This webinar presented the main findings from the 2024 Climate Technology Progress Report: “Unleashing Renewable Energy for Ambitious NDCs”. This report provides an update on the progress made towards tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030. COP 28 marked a significant shift towards ending the fossil fuel era, with countries pledging to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. The Global Stocktake […]
Technical Workshop: Developing Best Practice Loss and Damage Indicators and Reporting Tools
Read moreAs Loss and Damage (L&D) becomes increasingly critical in climate negotiations, the need for accurate and comprehensive L&D indicators has never been more pressing. These indicators are essential for countries to effectively engage with the Santiago Network, access technical assistance, and participate meaningfully in UNFCCC processes. Moreover, L&D indicators align with the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG) […]
The main objective of this three-day training course was to enhance the skills of the National Technical Institutions in the framework of the NDC Action Project and technical employees of Ministries in preparing concept notes for future submission to the financial institutions. The online training was held over three days from the 17 – 19 September. The training consisted of a […]
Building Resilient Cities: The role of urban nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Read more*Closed for registrations* The future of the world’s population is urban. Urbanization rates are rapidly increasing worldwide, compounding climate risks and exacerbating vulnerabilities in cities. In the Global South, the fast urbanization only further pressure existing infrastructure and hinder local government’s capacity to plan for climate-change resilient development at landscape levels and in the long run. While being hit hard […]
Powering progress: market creation strategies for solar e-cooking technologies in off-grid and displaced communities (Webinar)
Read moreThe main aim of this webinar was to communicate and discuss the key messages, facts, figures and arguments from the collaborative technical report published by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, the Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings and the World Food Programme, in support of the multistakeholder ‘SOLCO’ initiative launched at COP28 and the Global Refugee […]
The main objective of this three-day training course was to enhance the skills of the National Technical Institutions in the framework of the NDC Action Project and technical employees of Ministries in preparing concept notes for future submission to the financial institutions. The online training was delivered over three days from the 11th – 13th of June. The training consisted […]