Mitigation Action Facility – Detailed Preparation Phase

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Climate Planning and Policy, Developing private sector analysis and business plans, Empowering climate action in developing countries, Expanding use and understanding of market instruments, Public sector support for private sector climate action, Scaling up EE by Government and Private Sector
Country / Region: Mauritius

Greening the financial sector in Malawi

Focus area: Financial sector
Country / Region: Malawi

NDC Partnership – Improving Private Sector Investment for Climate Action in Belize

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Climate Planning and Policy, Climate policy and planning, Developing private sector analysis and business plans, Empowering climate action in developing countries, Expanding use and understanding of market instruments, Facilitate and scale-up climate action, NDC Partnership, Private Sector Investment for Climate, Public sector support for private sector climate action
Country / Region: Belize

Assessing and managing loss and damage: Local-level evidence to inform global-level action in developing countries

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Climate Transparency and Accountability
Country / Region: India, Mauritius, Zambia
Panama City at night

Global Platform for Urban Climate neutrality (GPUC)

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Climate Planning and Policy, Developing private sector analysis and business plans, Empowering climate action in developing countries, Expanding use and understanding of market instruments, Public sector support for private sector climate action, Scaling up EE by Government and Private Sector
Country / Region: Chile, China, India, Kenya, Mauritius, Vietnam, Zambia

Net Zero Strategies for Developing Countries

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy
Country / Region: Ghana, India
Bangkok flooding, shutterstock

Implementation of Urban Nature-based Solutions for Mitigation and Adaptation

Focus area: Business Models and Markets
Country / Region: India, Mauritius, Zambia

Socially Inclusive Energy Transition for Indonesia (SISET)

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Supporting sustainable energy & transport access & transition
Country / Region: Indonesia

Transition of Cities Towards Net Zero Transport in Developing Countries

Focus area: Supporting sustainable energy & transport access & transition
Country / Region: Ghana, India

Climate Action at the Last Mile: policy and partnerships for sustainability in displacement settings

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Technology assessment, transfer, implementation and uptake
Country / Region: Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda

Integrated Assessment for Article 6 (IAA6)

Focus area: Carbon Markets
Country / Region: Peru, Sri Lanka, Tanzania