Assessing and managing loss and damage: Local-level evidence to inform global-level action in developing countries

Creating a city-specific framework to assess climate change-induced loss and damage and develop tailored adaptation strategies addressing urban challenges to advocate for disaster response and recovery funding.

The UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre supports India, Zambia, and Mauritius in assessing and managing climate-induced loss and damage (L&D). The project aims to increase awareness about the linkages between adaptation costs and disaster recovery costs, and the drivers of non-economic L&D, while enhancing understanding of policy options to manage L&D. The project aims to create a city-specific framework to assess climate change-induced loss and damage and develop tailored adaptation strategies. Unlike current efforts focused on district, state, and national levels, this approach addresses urban challenges and complements higher-level frameworks. It equips cities with data to advocate for disaster response and recovery funding.


  1. Raise awareness about the costs and drivers of L&D.
  2. Enhance understanding of policy options for managing L&D.

Envisaged Outcome:

  • Improved ability of countries to manage L&D through a better methodological understanding of the economics and nature of losses and damages.

Methodology: The project is divided into five work streams:

    • Baseline Assessment of Retrospective Loss and Damage: Assess past climate-related hazards and their impacts on urban systems, health, social systems, and economies over the last 50 years in two selected cities.
    • Establishing Vulnerability, Exposure, and Risk Profiles: Identify current risks and vulnerabilities, providing a baseline for future adaptation scenarios.
    • Developing Adaptation Scenarios: Develop various adaptation pathways with input from city stakeholders, aligned with long-term city plans.
    • Projecting Prospective Loss and Damage Estimates: Estimate future L&D under different adaptation scenarios, scored based on historical performance and stakeholder feedback.
    • Planning for Future L&D Management, Scaling, and Capacity Building: Create a replicable framework for L&D management, validate it, and develop a scaling and capacity-building plan, including a funding proposal.


  • Develop a methodological approach for assessing L&D.
  • Test methodologies in selected locations.
  • Formulate policy recommendations to manage L&D.
  • Build capacity to assess and manage L&D beyond the project scale


Assessing and managing loss and damage: Local-level evidence to inform global-level action in developing countries is implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida).

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Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Climate Transparency and Accountability

Country / Region: India, Mauritius, Zambia

Get in touch

Fatemeh Bakhtiari

Senior Advisor - Climate Policy, Loss and Damage

Phone: +45 4533 5292
LinkedIn: Visit profile