Meet us at Bonn SB58

Join us for a range of events during the Bonn Climate Change Conference

5 June, 2023 - 15 June, 2023

Tuesday 6th of June:

13.15-14.30         Room: Bonn

Technology Needs Assessment event with financial actors.

The objective of this event is to highlight results of the Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and facilitate discussions amongst TNA stakeholders and financial actors on the urgent need for climate finance.

Speakers include TNA experts, financial institutions, private sector actors, political decision makers, research and academia and NGOs

The event is co-organized with UNFCCC.


15.00-18.00        Room: World Café Station 4

Global Stocktake Technical Dialogue 1.3.

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and the iGST Adaptation Working Group are hosting the GST Technical Dialogue 1.3.
Join us for brain-storming and interactive discussions on the Global Stocktake facilitated by experts. Visitors will have the opportunity to visit a new station every half hour.


Thursday 8th of June:

14.45-16.00         Room: Bonn

Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV/ETF arrangements.

Communicating reliable, transparent and comprehensive information on climate actions and support is important in the climate change process.
Part of the event is a presentation on the support for developing countries in the transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework provided by the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP).


Friday 9th of June:

11.00-13.30         Room: The German Institute of Development and Sustainability, Tulpenfeld 6

CBIT-GSP Inception & Launch of the Climate Transparency Platform

Join us for the Inception of the Capacity-building Initiative for #Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP), a global climate transparency project supporting #developingcountries meet the requirements of the #EnhancedTransparencyFramework of the #ParisAgreement.

The event will introduce the different support modalities of the CBIT-GSP and launch the new Climate Transparency Platform, a vibrant hub of knowledge, ideas, and discussions for the #climatetransparency community.

The event is also open for online participation.

Registration required and can be completed here.