Upscaling implementation of climate compatible infrastructure in fragile states

2 December, 2023 11:00 - 2 December, 2023 12:30
Blue zone - UNOPS pavilion - B7 88, Energy, Finance 3rd floor

Climate change poses grave threats to countries across the world—but especially fragile and conflict-affected state and it is vital to that they come up with solutions to support these vulnerable countries. From Yemen to Somalia and Sudan, fragile states suffer more from floods, droughts, storms and other climate-related shocks than other countries, when they have contributed the least to climate change. Each year, three times more people are affected by natural disasters in fragile states than in other countries. Disasters in fragile states displace more than twice the share of the population in other countries. 

According to the World Bank USD 93 billion a year is needed for Sub-Saharan Africa’s infrastructure alone – two-thirds for investment in new physical infrastructure and a third for operations and maintenance of existing assets. However, only USD 45 billion is being mobilised. To fill the gap for the whole continent, substantial scaling up of resources is required, as well as institutional and policy reforms to strengthen the framework for infrastructure development. 

Through the GEF-funded Global Technology Needs Assessment programme, close to 100 developing countries have identified their technology needs to strengthen their response to the threats of climate change and to support systems transformations that mainstream climate resilience and low GHG emissions development. Many of the fragile states participating in the TNA programme, have identified the need for investments in new and/or improved infrastructure. 

This event will facilitate a panel discussion between representatives of fragile states and international institutions, on how to enhance infrastructure investments and implementation in fragile states.   


John Payai, Government of South Sudan

Hafsa Omar Abdilahi, Government of Somalia

Abdulwahid Arman, Government of Yemen

Hansol Park, GCF

Dalila Alexandra Ramos Moreira Goncalves, UNOPS

Sara Traerup, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre

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Blue zone - UNOPS pavilion - B7 88, Energy, Finance 3rd floor