Adaptation consultant for the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) in Papua New Guinea

A Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) is a set of country-driven activities leading to the identification, prioritization and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The TNA project is implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme and the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, supported by UNOPS, on behalf of the Global Environment Facility.

To support and facilitate the TNA process, national contractor is being recruited for the execution of activities in relation to climate change adaptation in Papua New Guinea Coastal Protection under the direct supervision of the TNA Coordinator.

The contractor shall provide technical services for the assessment of technology needs for climate change adaptation activities in Papua New Guinea and shall provide the following outputs:

  • A portfolio of technologies for the sector
  • A Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) report describing the prioritized technologies for adaptation in the agriculture and Papua New Guinea Water Board sectors including the process followed and the rationale for the latter. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre will provide a template for the TNA report.
  • A Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework (BA&EF) report on existing barriers for the prioritized adaptation technologies and enabling framework to facilitate the deployment and diffusion of technology priorities. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre will provide a template for the BA&EF report.
  • A Technology Action Plan (TAP) report for adaptation, including a small number (2-4) of project ideas for the implementation of the TAP, and one policy brief per technology taken to the TAP in the format agreed for the project with UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre will provide a template for the TAP report and policy briefs.

Work Location

Remote, from Papua New Guinea

Qualifications/special skills

  • A minimum of postgraduate degree in science, engineering, economics or social science is required.
  • A minimum of 5 years of work experience in Coastal Protection sector in Papua New Guinea or related fields is required.
  • Experience in an international agency or organization is desirable.

Key Competencies:

  • The contractor should have applied knowledge in and the Coastal protection sector in Papua New Guinea and related technologies in the context of the country. The contractor should have extensive knowledge of – and experience with – climate change adaptation strategies, technologies, and policies at the national level.
  • More specifically the contractor should be familiar with national development objectives in the focus sectors policies, have overall insights in climate change science, and potential climate change impacts, as well as adaptation needs for the country in the prioritized sectors.
  • Moreover, the contractor should have good coordination and facilitation skills, possess proven analytical capabilities, as well as excellent writing skills.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

Application deadline: 25/06/2024

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