Assistant Coordinator for the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) in Papua New Guinea

A Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) is a set of country-driven activities leading to the identification, prioritization and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The TNA project is implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme and the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, supported by UNOPS, on behalf of the Global Environment Facility.

The assistant coordinator will work in close collaboration with the National TNA coordinator and the national TNA team. His/Her overall task is to support the entire TNA process – ranging from engaging with the stakeholders, identification of technology needs, its prioritisation and assessment, to the development of national TAPs. In consistence with domestic and global objectives, the consultant will be responsible for providing the national TNA teams with the process-related and methodological/technical advisory services needed for conducting TNAs, preparing Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework (BAEF) report and developing Technology Action Plans (TAPs) at the country level.

The assistant coordinator will assist the National TNA coordinator in applying a participatory approach to the TNA process, involving a wide range of stakeholders while ensuring a multi-sector and multi-disciplinary scope. Moreover, the consultant will assist the National TNA coordinator in facilitating the tasks of communication with the national TNA team members, outreach to stakeholders, formation of networks, information acquisition, and coordination and communication of work products.  In addition, his/her role will consist in assisting in the coordination and implementation of the project, in assuring the quality of products delivered by the adaptation and mitigation experts and in drafting and editing planned reports in the framework of the project.

Qualifications/special skills

  • A minimum of postgraduate degree in science, engineering, economics or social science is required.
  • At least 5 years of work experience in the relevant fields.
  • Experience in an international agency or organization is desirable.

Key Competencies:

The contractor should be in possession of strong inter-personal and verbal communication skills, good coordination and facilitation skills, and possess proven analytical capabilities, as well as excellent writing skills. The contractor should have good knowledge of – and experience with – climate change strategies, technologies and policies at the national level. More specifically the contractor should be familiar with national development objectives and sector policies, have overall insights in climate change science, and potential climate change impacts, as well as mitigation and adaptation need for the country.


Fluency in written and spoken English.

Work Location

Remote, from Papua New Guinea

Application deadline: 26/06/2024

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