National Lead Coordinator, Kyrgyz Republic

Purpose /Justification for request

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) was established in 2015 at the COP that adopted the Paris Agreement to support the implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. ICAT provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action in sync with national development priorities. The projects ICAT supports relate to: building or enhancing transparency frameworks for mitigation; building a monitoring and evaluation approach for adaptation; building or enhancing frameworks to track progress in implementing nationally determined contributions; assessing the impacts of climate policies; estimating or enhancing projections of greenhouse gases; integrating and/or aggregating climate actions at the subnational level and for non-State actors; building a tracking system for just transition processes; establishing or enhancing a climate data system; and putting in place a framework to track climate finance.

Read the full Terms of reference

ICAT is an unincorporated multi-stakeholder partnership steered by the Donor Steering Committee (DSC), conformed by its donors, Austria; Canada; Germany; Italy; the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF); and ClimateWorks Foundation (CWF), and includes the UNFCCC Secretariat as the dedicated UN body with a climate change policy mandate, and UNOPS as an ex-officio member. The Initiative is managed by UNOPS on behalf of the DSC. Within UNOPS, the ICAT Secretariat manages ICAT day-to-day activities, coordinating and guiding the work of the implementing partners.

To address Kyrgyz´s needs and, to support the country´s initiatives to track the implementation of its NDC´s and the achievement of climate targets, Kyrgyz Republic is engaging with the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) through its international implementing partners, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Center (UNEPCCC). Through this collaboration, Kyrgyz is expecting to get support on the development of country – tailored tools and frameworks to measure and project desirable GHG impacts from climate interventions, planned in their NDC. It is expected to improve monitoring, tracking and reporting arrangements on the implementation of its NDC´s and the achievements of climate targets, which would help Kyrgyz Republic to meet the enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement. Following the country´s sectorial priorities, the ICAT project will focus on the Energy sector and the transport as a sub-sector.

The overall objective is to support the Kyrgyz Republic to plan, measure, manage and track the implementation of its NDC mitigation actions and expected GHG impacts, by putting in place frameworks for emissions projections of selected interventions, impact assessment and a regular data collection, tracking and management framework for the NDC. This will include those needed to project GHG emissions/removals, assess the impact of relevant policies and measures, and develop appropriate indicators for reporting on progress achieved.

The ICAT in the Kyrgyz Republic will:

  1. Development of a  Framework for projections of emissions in the Energy sector
  2. Impact assessment of selected policies and measures in the Energy sector
  3. Development of an NDC tracking framework for the energy sector, as well as
  4. Recommendations for AFOLU sector on the above.

For the ICAT implementation in the Republic of Kyrgyz, a national ICAT lead coordinator, an energy expert and transport experts are required in order to ensure the appropriate implementation of the activities and submissions of outputs and results indicated in the work plan of the project.

Application deadline: 19/01/2025

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