NAMAcademy conducts fourth training course in Denmark

October 15, 2015

NAMAcademy, a project run by UNEP DTU Partnership concluded its fourth residential workshop in Denmark last week. The NAMAcademy is at the forefront of providing capacity building and hands-on assistance to those working on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions or NAMAs, and train those focused on structuring NAMAs to attract finance in an attempt to take these from concept to implementation.

Attended by 10 participants from 6 countries, the NAMAcademy course helped to provide guidance and training on how to create and implement NAMAs in various sectors. The course this year included training on NAMA Finance, Measuring, Reporting and Verification, Measuring Sustainable Development, and Waste management, Charcoal, Wind Energy and Low Carbon Technologies in Buildings, as requested by the participants.

NAMAcademy has held a residential workshop every year, and owing to increased interest in NAMA training, it has held two courses this year.

In addition to attending the classroom course, NAMAcademy participants also undertake the NAMAcademy e-learning course prior to attending the classroom training.

NAMAcademy conducts in-country training in Mozambique

In addition to the residential course, NAMAcademy also conducted a course in Mozambique from 22 to 24 September. This course enabled participants from 8 organizations and various backgrounds to learn about the NAMA framework, the key enabling conditions for NAMAs, NAMA Finance and MRV, in the key chosen sectors of waste and charcoal. The course was organized in co-operation with the Climate Change Service of the Belgian federal government.

The programme for the training course can be found here.