New Publication: Catalysing Bankable Low Carbon Investments and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

October 5, 2016

New Publication: Catalysing Bankable Low Carbon Investments and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

In the post-Paris era, although not specifically mentioned in the Paris Agreement, mitigation actions that are nationally appropriate – or NAMAs – remain central to implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions. In order to efficiently respond to such mitigation ambitions, NAMAs should build on a few principles that are captured in CCAPs ‘Designing NAMAs to Catalyze Bankable Low-Carbon Investments’ to which UNEP DTU Partnership has contributed.

When NAMAs are Improving policy and institutional frameworks, addressing financial risks and returns, and identifying projects and demonstrating feasibility, including the development of an initial project or set of projects, they can play an important role in achieving Nationally Determined Contributions. In addition, by creating the conditions to catalyze private sector low-carbon investment, they can mobilize resources at scale, contributing to achieving countries’ sustainable development goals, as well as larger global efforts to realign financial flows towards low-carbon and sustainable economic development.

The document can be downloaded from Designing NAMAs to Catalyze Bankable Low-Carbon Investments