This report aims to bring attention to the local companies operating in the solar PV market in Kenya and the ways in which they became competitive in a market dominated mainly by international companies while also operating under several constraints. It describes the companies’ respective characteristics and competences and their various resources, linkages and networks, both formal and informal. It also narrates the development trajectories and strategies that have allowed local companies to survive and thrive. This report aims to make more visible and increase awareness of local solar PV companies, which are often over-shadowed and sometimes crowded out in a market characterised by strong international linkages, high dynamism and volatility.
We hope that the wider sector stakeholders, particularly the specific ministries (Energy, Industry and Finance), international organisations, donors, industry associations, financial institutions and research centres, will find this knowledge product useful and will be able to build on it and provide further support to the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and local industrial development.
Several stakeholders have been involved and supported implementation of the project in Kenya over the past one and a half year, not least the local companies who participated in the interviews, co-creation sessions and informal discussions.
The report will be launched on the Vienna Energy forum July 7, 10.30 – 11.30 AM CEST