Susanne Konrad - On Leave

Project Officer - Climate Transparency

With an academic background in forest management and climate change, Susanne has a broad and interdisciplinary knowledge about climate resilient and low carbon development. Through various placements within leading international organisations such as GIZ and OECD, she has acquired strong analytical and organisational skills.

Susanne works primarily in the area of transparency, notably through the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT), writing CBIT proposals for countries such Thailand and Lao PDR, and through the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) adaptation project with a focus on adaptation finance. Prior to re-joining UDP, Susanne worked in the Climate Policy Team at adelphi, a Berlin-based climate and sustainability consultancy, where she supported the climate change efforts of the International Development Finance Club, a club of 26 public development banks across the globe.

Susanne holds degrees in International Forest Ecosystem Management and Climate Change and is currently pursuing an external PhD at Wageningen University, focusing on climate transparency under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Susanne Konrad - On Leave
Project Officer - Climate Transparency


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