Dr. Zhuolun Chen has been working as a technical expert on district energy system under the District Energy Initiative of UN Environment under the UN platform of Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) since 2017. He works as a major technical expert to develop high-efficient district energy projects with suitable technical solution and business models in developing countries, including China, India, Malaysia, Egypt etc., and contributes to UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program. Dr Zhuolun holds a Ph.D. degree in Building Science and Architectural Engineering. He is also a certified LEED AP by US Green Building Council and CMVP by Efficiency Valuation Organization. His work focuses on optimizing energy systems at the district and building level to enhance the overall efficiency, including the application of innovative heating and cooling technologies and building energy efficiency, implementation of district energy systems with renewable energy, waste heat etc.
Zhuolun Chen
Senior Advisor - Energy Efficiency and Finance