Accelerating Climate Technology Transition (ACTT)

Supporting countries in accelerating investments and strengthening markets for priority climate technologies compatible with NDC submissions.

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is working with national stakeholders including technology solution providers, distributors, end-users, customers, policy makers and potential investors to generate market assessments, concepts, and financing models relevant for increasing uptake and investment into specific ‘ready to market’ climate technology solutions.

Accelerating Climate Technology Transition (ACTT) aims to foster diffusion of nationally prioritized technologies for climate mitigation (such as energy for productive use) by connecting technology providers with end-users and investors, and to generate market assessments, concepts, and financing models relevant for increasing uptake and investment into specific ‘ready to market’ climate technology solutions.

Knowledge, recommendations, and models generated in ACTT will be fed into policy and investment mobilization processes through facilitation, partnerships and network linkages established and/or supported by the project and specific replication opportunities will be pursued across technologies and countries. ACTT seeks to address two key challenges:

  1. The low level of linkage between technology suppliers, off-takers, and investors; and
  2. The inadequate evidence on the progress/viability of climate technologies in meeting NDC targets.

ACTT in Uganda builds on the previous TEMARIN project in Kenya and Uganda on market strengthening for climate technologies. The ACTT project in Uganda has initial focus on solar irrigation pump (SIP) technologies for smallholder agriculture, and the work aligns with the activity plan of the Uganda’s National Road Map on Scaling Up Productive Use of Renewable Energy as well with the National Climate Finance Strategy.

The ACTT is implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida).

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Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Technology assessment, transfer, implementation and uptake

Country / Region: Uganda

Get in touch

Mathilde Brix Pedersen

Advisor - Climate and Energy

Phone: +45 4533 5326
LinkedIn: Visit profile

Abdulmutalib Yussuff

Advisor - Climate and Energy