The outcome of the project is expected to enhance both students and professionals’ active participation in promoting climate-smart agriculture to the Zimbabwe agriculture community at large.
Enhanced knowledge and awareness of climate-smart agriculture approaches helps smallholder farmers to augment their production and ultimately incomes, resilience to climate change and reduction or removal of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.
Climate Technology Centre and Network’s (CTCN) technical assistance will facilitate the capacitation of agriculture college students to apply climate-smart technologies in their studies and transfer the acquired knowledge to the extension workers, professionals as well as smallholder farmers who are now using traditional methods of farming. These smallholder farmers will also be custodians of the environment by combatting land degradation on the lands.
Climate-Smart Agriculture practices include intercropping, mulching, crop rotation, enhanced crop diversity, improved storage and processing, rotational grazing, grassland restoration, among others. Application of these practices is expected to raise the smallholders farmers livelihoods as well as sustain the environmental integrity.
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Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Technology assessment, transfer, implementation and uptake
Country / Region: Zimbabwe