Foresight for science and technology parks in the context of smart specialisation

In recent decades, science and technology parks (STPs) have acquired significant academic and political interest due to their potential to develop regional innovation capacities. Despite their popularity, the impact of STPs has been discussed critically in the literature. One reason behind their unclear impact relates to a lack of alignment between the strategies of STPs and their respective regional contexts. This article contributes to this discussion by demonstrating that the concepts of smart specialisation strategies (S3) and innovation system foresight can help design STP’s innovation strategies that are in alignment with the regional context. This study develops and implements a foresight exercise design to align the function of the STP with the regional context of the Prince of Songkla University Science Park in Thailand. The foresight exercise contributes to policy recommendations for the regional authorities and the STP’s management, focusing on three pillars: collaboration and networks, vertical policy coordination, and the prioritisation of specific technology fields related to the existing industry. Theoretically, the article contributes a new approach to S3 initiation in which STPs play a crucial role.

Authors:Amonpat Jacobsen, Anne Nygaard Tanner, Per Dannemand Andersen
Status:Accepted/In press
Published year:2022
Content type:Journal article
Orbit ID:abfea490-d5bc-426a-bfa7-a22128b0bcdd
Is current:Current
No. of pages:13