Publisher: Technical University of Denmark
Published Year: 2022
Status: Submitted

The compendium informs policymakers and technical experts at national and subnational levels involved with the UNFCCC process about the opportunities for and challenges related to climate change mitigation in the agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU) sector.

Publisher: UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Published Year: 2022
Number of Pages: 101

The study commences with an overview of the climate mitigation support provided in chapter 1. The overview is visualised in a figure showing country targeting, sector focus etc. The study continues in chapter 2, which covers three elementslisted. The first element is the 2015 evaluation of the climate envelope and the follow up. It also relates to the overall strategic […]

Published Year: 2021
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 36

This paper utilises a combination of a political economy approach and a GVC framework to analyse the dynamics of the wind energy value chain in South Africa. The paper focuses on the complex intertwined interplay between energy and industrial policy and shows how they negatively impacted on efforts to increase localisation of domestic manufacturing and services industries. It discusses the […]

Publisher: Policy Research on International Services and Manufacturing, University of Cape Town
Published Year: 2020
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 38

Sustainable business model (SBM) research and practice has grown rapidly in the last two decades, not only showing the traits of an emerging research field, but also having an impact on business practices and government policies. Despite the wide-ranging academic and practical debates on SBMs, the academic literature still needs approaches specifically tailored to support the design of SBMs in […]

Publisher: UNEP DTU Partnership
Published Year: 2020
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 40

Effective adaptation assessment frameworks and metrics are essential for tracking and assessing climate change adaptation actions and progress. If used properly, adaptation metrics can enhance our understanding of what works and what does not work, why, and under which circumstances. Adaptation metrics are central to the learning process, as well as in guiding future adaptation efforts. Although frameworks and metrics […]

Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 51

This document synthesises the key findings of just over a hundred documents in the scientific literature. It has been prepared as input to one of the activities undertaken in the European Union-funded SINCERE project (http://www.jpi-climate.eu/sincere). The document consists of two sections. The first section outlines the process followed to select the literature, and gives and overview of the documents reviewed. […]

Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 39

En Latinoamérica el 46% de las emisiones de GEI proviene del cambio de usos de la tierra y el 20% de la agricultura, en donde el 58% y el 70% de las emisiones son debidas a la ganadería. El continuo crecimiento de este sector (+32% previsto al 2050) ha impulsado la expansión de la frontera agropecuaria en los bosques, generando […]

Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 59
Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 11