Mapping barriers and enabling environments in Technology Needs Assessments, Nationally Determined Contributions, and Technical Assistance of the Climate Technology Centre and Network

1. The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) agreed to include in its rolling work plan 2016-2018, work stream 1, a task to map technology needs assessments (TNAs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and technical assistance (TA) of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) regarding enabling environments and barriers.1
2. At the TEC-16 meeting, the task force on innovation and RD&D presented an update on its work on this activity, The TEC requested its task force on TNAs to take on the work on mapping of enabling environment and barriers by mapping barriers and enablers in NDCs and CTCN requests, presenting a concept note on a possible event on this mapping to TEC 17 for its consideration, with a view to preparing and delivering recommendations and TEC brief on this issue to COP 25.

Authors:C. Knudsen, L. Greersen, Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup
Published year:2018
Content type:Report
File: Download
Orbit ID:b81647ce-943a-4d18-bcaf-e26057d7efda
Is current:Current
No. of pages:28