Overcoming Barriers to the Transfer and Diffusion of Climate Technologies

This guidebook provides practical and operational guidance on how to assess and overcome barriersfacing the transfer and diffusion of technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.The guidebook is designed to support the analysis of specific technologies, rather than pursuing asectoral (e.g. transport) or technology group (e.g. renewable energy) approach.Given that there is no single solution to enhancing technology transfer and diffusion policies needbe tailored to country-specific context and interests. Therefore, the guidebook presents a flexibleapproach, identifying various assessment options and tools for analysts and decision makers.The guidebook has been developed through an experience-based approach during the first phaseof the TNA, and has benefitted from feedback from national consultants and workshop participantsalongside inputs from UDP staff and external reviewers. It should be noted that this second editionof the guidebook has undergone major changes with respect to structure and content for the benefitof the readers.

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Authors:Ivan Nygaard, Ulrich Elmer Hansen
Published year:2015
Content type:Book
File: Download
Orbit ID:259a584c-95cd-45ab-a7f2-f78f532788f9
Publisher:UNEP DTU Partnership
Is current:Current
No. of pages:92