Since the establishment of the first global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions – the Kyoto Protocol – the idea of trading in emissions units, or emissions reduction, has been an essential part of the architecture, motivated by calculations showing that costs of emissions mitigation vary widely among countries. So why not exploit the more cost-efficient mitigation options first if […]

Publisher: UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Published Year: 2024
Number of Pages: 18

Energy efficiency and nature‐based solutions can help cities combat excessive heat amid rising temperatures. Energy efficiency mitigates excessive heat, whereas nature‐based solutions adapt and withstand it. Better construction, building energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation policy, planning, and technology can help cities cope with high heat. Reduced energy consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Nature‐based solutions, such as green […]

Publisher: UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Published Year: 2023
Number of Pages: 43

The Global Support Programme identified the need for “Mitigation Scenario Modelling Tools” to help non-Annex 1 countries assess their mitigation action and policies. The current document covers the modelling tools for the energy sector, which contributed more than 78% of CO2 emissions in 2020. The modelling tools can help countries assess national emissions trajectories for the energy sector under existing […]

Published Year: 2021
Number of Pages: 58

The buildings sector is the largest energy-demanding and polluting sector in the global economy. The implementation of nearly Zero Energy Buildings contributes to reducing energy use and climate change. To support this construction there is a need for educating professionals with the required skills and competencies on energy-efficient buildings. This paper reports on the necessary knowledge to be acquired by […]

Published Year: 2020
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 4

1. Digitalization is an emerging trend revamping the energy landscape and enabling progress toward continuous energy efficiency improvements. It is argued that digitalization, from its various dimensions, shall be considered as part of policy development to ensure overall net benefit to the system and its participants.7 2. In its Work Plan for 2020-2021, the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency […]

Published Year: 2020
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 16

As the energy consumption increases, the energy efficiency measures must be found and implemented. 2012/27/EU Energy efficiency Directive aims the targets to decrease energy consumption for a final energy consumer by 1,5 % annually, but do not defines how these targets can be achieved by member state. Article presents the analysis how these targets can be reached by the means […]

Published Year: 2020
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 8

We explore aquaponics in the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) through policy analysis, semi‐structured case study interviews with industry actors, and a review of the historical context. We find the regulatory landscape for aquaponics in respective countries has emerged in reaction to historical precedents in aquaculture and agriculture, and specific legislation on aquaponics is slow to develop. Aquaponics operations […]

Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 11

We explore aquaponics in the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) through policy analysis, a review of the historical context, and semi‐structured case study interviews. The semi‐structured case study interviews are conducted with relevant actors that have a stake in the future development of aquaponics. These actorsinclude: (1) large scale commercial salmon producers, who are currently moving a larger proportion […]

Published Year: 2019
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 13

Literature on science and technology parks (STPs) lack a systematic understanding of how regional contextual factors affect the performance of STPs. The performance of STPs are continuously questioned and much empirical research fail to show consistent, positive impact of STPs on on-park firms or regional economy in general. Explanations are often sought internal to the STPs resulting in a gap […]

Published Year: 2018
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 21

This paper analyses the biogas development within Ghana, Thailand and Denmark to shed light on the different development patterns and future trends that is seen within the biogas sector. Literature review in the form of journal articles and reports is assessed, interviews with agricultural and biogas experts – as well as policy makers within the field of renewable energy – […]

Published Year: 2017
Status: Published
Number of Pages: 6