Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Scenarios for India

Transport sector’s fuel mix which is dominated by the fossil fuel imposes multiple external costs like energy security, air quality and climate change. In this study, alternate future scenarios are designed to explore the transitions of national transport system (till 2050). Several policy options are delineated that would facilitate the sustainable low carbon transformation of India’s transport sector. The long term energy and emission trajectory of India’s transport sector is assessed under alternate scenarios using the integrated assessment modelling framework. Co-benefits like energy security and local air quality that can be accrued by mainstreaming climate change polices into national sustainable development goals and sectoral plans are also estimated. There is no silver bullet that would enable the transition towards low carbon transport. An optimal mix of policies that includes fuel economy standards, modal shifts and cleaner energy supply is required to align climate and sustainable development goals in the long-term.

Authors:P.R. Shukla, Shivika Mittal, Subash Dhar
Published year:2014
Content type:Article in proceedings
Orbit ID:c147204d-e609-4935-8301-b8d2475020d4
Is current:Current
No. of pages:8