
In 2019, before the COVID-19 global health pandemic altered production and consumption patterns, the transport sector accounted for around 24 per cent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions worldwide (1). Out of this, road transport accounts for three-quarters of emissions and urban transport accounted for halft of these emissions (2). Not least, urban transport results in additional negative social and environmental impacts, such as local air pollution (through emissions of nitrogen oxides and fine particulate matter, among other health-impairing substances), noise pollution, road congestion, and risks to safety (3). Compared to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, managing these additional social and environmental impacts are of more direct concern to urban decision-makers. Local air pollution in many developing-country cities is a case in point. In this chapter, we focus on technologies and practices to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from urban passenger transport. Decarbonizing transport involves (i) behaviour and lifestyle changes and (ii) new and cleaner technologies and fuels

Authors:Subash Dhar, Talat Munshi
Published year:2021
Content type:Report chapter
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Orbit ID:18ff5bf2-38cc-4c00-b81d-6ffb4f20cb36
Is current:Current