Hai Phong, 16 – 18 December 2013 – The 2nd Capacity Building Workshop on Low Carbon Development (LCDS) and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) was held from 16 to 18 December 2013 in Hai Phong, Vietnam. The workshop was hosted by Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change (DMHCC) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and supported by UNEP and UNEP Risø Centre under the Facilitating Implementation Readiness for Mitigation (FIRM) project.
The objectives of the workshop were to understand and review the work done so far by the FIRM country team on development of a LCDS for renewable energy in Vietnam, and two NAMA proposals for wind and biogas development. The key issues discussed included the methodology for establishment of business as usual (BAU) baseline and NAMA scenarios, challenges and barriers encountered and possible solutions to overcome them.
A first draft of the NAMA proposals were presented and discussed, which are estimated to contribute with 1,102 thousand tonnes of CO2e in 2020 from wind, and a higher reduction potential for biogas. The workshop discussions identified the need to clarify whether existing policies will be part of the BAU baseline and if not, what are the special country circumstances for not including existing policies. Furthermore, the need for international climate finance to complement domestic efforts will be specified in a second draft of the reports. Both domestic measures and international support will contribute towards national mitigation goals agreed as part of Vietnam’s Green Growth Strategy 2012, namely 10-20 % reductions below BAU in 2020 and additional 10% reductions with international support.
The three days of the workshop discussions ended with an overview work plan for 2014, which will be developed in more detail in early 2014. For access to further details on the Vietnam workshop and the FIRM project see here.