Senior UDP researcher receives DTU prize for research based advisory

May 1, 2017

Senior Researcher and Programme Head, Anne Olhoff, from UNEP DTU Partnership has received the award for research based advisory at DTU’s annual party on April 28. ‘Dr. Olhoff has received the award because she is an excellent example of what DTU must master to play a role in the international scene for research-based advisory’, mentions DTU’s official statement.

DTU has selected her for the prize as ‘Dr. Olhoff is an internationally recognized researcher who has served as a scientific editor and co-author of UNEP’s GAP reports, which reveals the gap between the countries’ greenhouse gas reduction targets and the reduction needs needed to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees. When GAP reports are included in the climate-COP meetings, and Anne presents conclusions at international conferences, she helps policy and regulatory development take place on a scientific and enlightened basis for the benefit of the global community.

“The award is not just an acknowledgement at personal, professional level. It signals the importance of all the work that we do at UNEP DTU Partnership to address climate change and development challenges in developing countries, and DTU’s recognition of this”, Dr. Olhoff remarked upon receipt of the prize.