Innovative climate technologies are critical for our response to the climate crisis, and climate technologies play an integral part in national climate plans.
Since 2009, UNEP DTU Partnership and UNEP, in close collaboration with the UNFCCC Secretariat, have led the implementation of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded Global Technology Needs Assessments (TNA) project in close to 100, predominantly developing, countries. Through the TNA project, countries teams develop their TNAs and Technology Action Plans (TAPs) for selected priority sectors, guiding them towards implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In recent years, there has been an increase in the implementation of TNAs and TAPs and of the use of the information they generate. Many developing countries have developed project proposals that were later turned into implementation. In this fourth edition of the ‘TNA Stories’ we are therefore happy to bring to you another set of implemented projects, building upon TNAs and TAPs, that receive funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the GEF and other supporting institutions.
The stories presented in the following pages highlight how TNAs and TAPs are used by countries as a highly practical tool that provides an effective and solid foundation upon which they can both scale-up and implement action on climate technologies in order to pursue their Paris Agreement targets, as well as in achieving their national SDGs.
Within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the role and importance of technologies has received clear and consistent support from Parties to the Convention for over 20 years. Under the Paris Agreement, this is articulated in the Technology Framework under Article 10, with its five key themes of innovation; implementation; enabling environment and capacity building; collaboration and stakeholder engagement; and support.