View of Mexico City. Mexico has just joined ICAT, where UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre will assist with climate transparency work

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre starts transparency work in nine countries

Through the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency, the countries will strengthen climate data management to meet climate goals effectively

July 3rd, 2024

Unlocking Climate Action in Belize: Using the GACMO tool

A climate transparency training programme centrered around the GACMO tool has increased Belize's reporting capacity

May 7th, 2024

Ethiopia, Erik Hathaway, Unsplash

Enhancing Ethiopia’s Climate Action Capacity

Climate transparency to measure and track climate action impact in Ethiopia and engage in carbon markets under the Paris Agreement

April 23rd, 2024

An introduction to GACMO 2.0

New enhanced emissions projection tool for informed climate decision making – here is how the GACMO tool works

February 21st, 2024

Havana, Cuba. Дмитрий Трепольский, Pexels

New emissions projection tool ready for use in Cuba

Cuba can now use the new enhanced GACMO tool to project emissions, analyze mitigation options and meet reporting requirements

February 13th, 2024

Co2 model

GACMO 2.0: New tool for enhanced climate action

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has launched the GACMO 2.0, an enhanced tool strengthening global climate policy

February 6th, 2024

GACMO: Emissions projections tool adds transparency in Ethiopia and Seychelles

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) increases transparency with accurate evaluation of mitigation actions and effective NDC monitoring. Now a new version is being tested.

January 18th, 2024

Sousse and the Ribat, Tunisia. Photo JR Harris on Unsplash

Tunisia adds cost model to climate action tool-box

Tunisia has received training in the advanced GACMO tool to maximize climate action impacts

August 4th, 2023

Botswana gears up for climate transparency

New roadmap for climate action transparency points to stronger data collection and need for capacity

March 13th, 2023

Zimbabwe ICAT WS

Zimbabwe on track to better climate action transparency

Working with ICAT and UNEP-CCC has enabled Zimbabwe to better collect climate data and analyze climate policies to reach NDCs

July 15th, 2022