UN COP 18 Side Event Showcases Country Experiences with Capacity Building for Clean Technologies

December 7, 2012

 A UN side-event entitled “Building Capacity for Effective National Planning and the Deployment of Clean Technologies”, 5 December 2012, Doha, Qatar highlighted that capacity building is needed not only to enable developing countries to use clean technologies, but also to assess technology needs and support low emission development planning. The event was co-organized by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in partnership with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and engaged around 40 participants in an interactive dialogue.

In his opening remarks, Mr. John Christensen, Director of the UNEP Risø Center, highlighted that the UN was one of the lead providers for climate change capacity building. “A lot of positive developments can be seen in terms of country capacities to address climate change. However, at the same time, the complexity of issues is increasing with new developments such as NAMAs [Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions] and NAPAs [National Appropriate Adaptation Plans]”, he noted.

The introductory remarks were followed by presentations from country representatives who shared  climate technology planning and deployment projects/initiatives supported by the UN with participants.


Ms. Lea Kai Aboujaoude, National Coordinator of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in Lebanon and Coordinator of Lebanon’s Third National Communication, Ministry of Environment, presented the main results and lessons learned from the TNA project supported by UNEP and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). She explained that the TNA allowed the country to identify appropriate technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation with close involvement of stakeholders. Building on the TNA, the country then developed Technology Action Plans (TAPs) including two priority technology projects for each sector.

The discussion with participants and panelists highlighted key points for successful capacity building, such as South-South information and experience-sharing; ensuring sustainability of learning, as experts often leave institutions after participating in training; and engaging regional partners and centers.

In summing up the presentations and discussions, Mr. Jorge Rogat, Project Manager of the TNA Project at the UNEP Risø Center, pointed out that all initiatives demonstrated the critical role of capacity building and skills development in advancing climate technology planning and deployment.

For further information please contact, Mette Rasmussen (meta@dtu.dk).