UNEP DTU Partnership conducted a 5 day workshop in Amman, Jordan to strengthen capacity to access international financing for the country’s climate technology priorities. Jordan’s Ministry of Environment sought technical assistance from UNEP’s Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and UNEP DTU partnered to provide this assistance.
Held from 21 to 25 August, the workshop was opened by H.E. Ahmed Qatarneh, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment (MoE). Attended by 25 participants from various ministries, as well as representatives of the private sector and NGOs, the workshop was an opportunity for participants to develop their project idea notes into feasible project concepts during the course of the workshop.
Experts from UDP provided training on several elements that go into constructing climate change project proposals, including the logical framework, theory of change, climate impact potential, financial instruments, as well as the new concept of transformational change that is increasingly being required in potential climate change projects and programmes.
The focus of the workshop was to help remove barriers to climate technology deployment and scale up by articulating climate technology priorities as project-ready concepts for possible support by different international financing opportunities, and used the Green Climate Fund template as an example.
One of the novel aspects of the workshop was a role-play act to enhance awareness of different financing schemes available. It illustrated the interaction between a project proponent, an international commercial bank and the Green Climate Fund to indicate the different conditionalities and instruments that one would typically encounter when constructing a project.
The workshop was very well received by the participants, who particularly gained from the role play and the workshop concluded with 6 concept notes that could be further developed into project proposals.
The final day of the workshop was also attended by CTCN partner organizations UNEP Nairobi, UNEP ROWA (Bahrain), UNDP and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
It is interesting to note that UNEP DTU Partnership is working with the MoE in Jordan on the Technology Needs Assessment project, and this workshop conducted by UDP shows how CTCN technical assistance can complement the TNA project work while they are underway.