Ambition, dedication and TNA results in Suriname’s revised NDC

Being only the second country to have submitted a revised version of their NDC in 2020, Suriname brings in contribution from the TNA project in their outlined contributions.

January 21, 2020

Being part of the ongoing Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project, currently in Phase III, Suriname has wasted no time in using the results of the first step (identifying and prioritising sector and technologies) to contribute to the development of their recently submitted NDC. Being only the second country to have submitted a revised version of their NDC in 2020, Suriname shows ambition and dedication in their outlined contributions.

Click here to read Suriname’s NDC

Various avenues for technology transfer, in the prioritised sectors of Agriculture, Water Management, Infrastructure and Housing have been identified and are currently being pinpointed to ensure their contribution to strengthening the country’s NDC. Table 1 presents an overview of the results of step 1 of Suriname’s TNA process, which includes the prioritised technologies (and technology areas).

Table 1: Prioritised sectors and technologies from Suriname’s TNA process







As the country’s TNA process enters into step two (barrier analysis and enabling framework identification) the national TNA team promises to target the NDC implementation plan, which is currently being developed, to further streamline the results of the TNA project into national policy documents aimed at combating climate change.

Similar to other countries currently involved in phase III of the TNA project, Suriname’s TNA process will also include the development of technology action plans (TAP) in the third step. This will be followed by the development of a concept note aimed at securing funding for the implementation of a national projects highlighted in the TAP.