Perspectives Launch – Advancing Understanding of Adequacy and Effectiveness of Adaptation in the Context of GST (Webinar)

2 March, 2023 11:00

The Paris Agreement establishes the Global Stocktake (GST) to assess the progress made toward its long-term goals. One of the core functions of GST is to review the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and the support provided for adaptation. However, a clear and commonly accepted understanding of the concepts of ‘adequacy’ and ‘effectiveness’, as well as a practice for operationalizing them is yet to be established.

To address this challenge, the Independent Global Stocktake (iGST) Adaptation Working Group (AWG) is launching a new publication to advance the conceptual and operational discussions of adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation in the GST. The publication brings together discussions from a multitude of stakeholders, including academia, practitioners, and policymakers. The Webinar will provide a presentation on the new publication, followed by a Panel discussion with the authors and a Q&A session.

iGST AWG is co-chaired by UNEP CCC ( and IIMA (  and is funded by ClimateWorks Foundation (

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