Flagship Publications

Updated national pledges since COP26 make a negligible difference to predicted 2030 emissions. We are far from the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C.
Policies currently in place point to a 2.8°C temperature rise by the end of the century. Implementation of the current pledges will only reduce this to a 2.4-2.6°C temperature rise by the end of the century, for conditional and unconditional pledges respectively.
The 2022 Emissions Gap Report finds that only an urgent system-wide transformation can deliver the enormous cuts needed to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Adaptation Gap reports
As climate impacts intensify across the globe, nations must dramatically increase funding and implementation of actions designed to help vulnerable nations and communities adapt to the climate storm.
The Adaptation Gap Report 2022: Too Little, Too Slow – Climate adaptation failure puts world at risk, finds that global efforts in adaptation planning, financing and implementation are not keeping pace with the growing risks.
The report finds that linking adaptation and mitigation actions can enhance co-benefits.
However, unprecedented political will and more long-term investments in adaptation are urgently needed to avoid the adaptation gap from widening.

Climate Technology Progress Reports
The development, transfer, diffusion, and uptake of technologies to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change are essential to the response to the rapidly escalating problem of climate change. However, while the role of technologies is increasingly recognized, the degree to which technologies are deployed and barriers and enabling conditions for the development, transfer, diffusion, and uptake of those technologies are not well understood or documented.
But how do we assess progress on climate technology?

Perspectives series
The UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre ‘Perspectives Series' is a series of publications aimed at sharing expert and practitioner opinions and experiences on emerging topics related to climate change.
Access reports
Implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC's)
How countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are implemented and improved upon over time will determine whether the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement is achieved.
Each country will prepare for and implement its NDC in different ways, based on the nature of its NDC, how the NDC was first developed, and its national circumstances.