To achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, implementation of climate technologies is necessary on a large scale and in a short time.
Despite being successfully operating and well proven in many countries, climate technologies are only moderately implemented in many developing countries. If we want to transform their development trajectories, so that they set the world on a course towards the goals in the Paris Agreement technologies play key roles.
Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs), including Technology Action Plans (TAPs), can play a crucial role in the implementation of climate technology.
To enhance understanding of the synergies between the TNAs and Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement, to highlight countries’ experiences and to learn about funding opportunities for countries, UNEP DTU Partnership and UNFCCC are bringing countries, UN organisations and finance organisations together for a side event during the Bonn Climate Change Conference.
The event will be held as a side event on Friday the 21st of June from 13:15 – 14:45 in the Berlin meeting room. Read more about the event here.
Common focus on implementation
Both the TNA and NDC processes are country driven with a common aim of implementation. The mature TNA methodology, which provides a basis for many successfully implemented technology projects and programmes, could also be a solid background to build upon, when preparing and implementing the NDCs.
This side event aims to enhance understanding of the synergies between the TNAs and the NDCs; to highlight countries’ experiences; and to learn about funding opportunities for countries when conducting their TNAs.
TNAs of developing countries provide an opportunity to communicate their climate change mitigation and adaptation technology needs, with a view of implementing these needs. TNAs track evolving needs for new equipment, techniques, practical knowledge and skills to mitigate greenhouse gases and adapt to adverse impacts of climate change.
Setting the stage for increased ambition
The Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB50) hosts a wide range of events, meetings, and negotiating sessions that will set the stage for raising ambition to curb greenhouse gas emissions, accelerate resilience-building efforts, and ensure that climate policy is built on a solid foundation of the best available science and knowledge.available science and knowledge.