Strengthening Danish participation in the ISGAN Annex 7 – Smart Grid Transitions

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Climate Planning and Policy
Country / Region: Denmark, Europe, Global

Build Back Better: Using Green and Digital Technologies to Reduce Food Waste at Consumer Level

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Climate Planning and Policy
Country / Region: Colombia, Global, Qatar, Serbia, Thailand, Uganda

Improving the energy efficiency of the global building supply chain industry and its products to deliver high performance buildings

Country / Region: Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

CONNECT4GREENTECH – a collaborative research and innovation project of the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Program

Focus area: Business Models and Markets
Country / Region: Denmark, Europe, Finland, Norway, Sweden
Tutubi electric bicycles, Pasic, Manilla


Focus area: Business Models and Markets
Country / Region: Ecuador, Germany, Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, Spain, Tanzania, Uruguay, Vietnam

Community Models for the Energy Transition through Social Innovation (COMETS)

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy
Country / Region: Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain
The city of HengQin is the first city-level multiple energy supply system in South China, integrating electricity, district cooling with hot water as a tri-generation system, an approach designed in part by UNEP DTU Partnership experts. Shutterstock: HelloRF Zcool

Smart Cities Accelerator (SCA)

Focus area: Business Models and Markets
Country / Region: Denmark, Sweden
Panama City at night

Flexibility for Smart Urban Energy Systems (FlexSUS)

Focus area: Business Models and Markets
Country / Region: Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden

Technology Needs Assessment (phase III)

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Technology assessment, transfer, implementation and uptake
Country / Region: Afghanistan, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Dominica, Eritrea, Fiji, Guinea, Haiti, Jamaica, Liberia, Malawi, Myanmar, Nauru, Niger, São Tomé and Príncipe, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Vanuatu

Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Focus area: Business Models and Markets, Scaling up EE by Government and Private Sector
Country / Region: Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Serbia, Seychelles, Tanzania, Vietnam
A landfill in Edirne, Turkey. One of the countries the Waste-to-energy project conducted a feasability study in. Photo credit: Shutterstock, Turkey Photo

Piloting waste-to-energy solutions in humanitarian contexts

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Supporting sustainable energy & transport access & transition
Country / Region: Jordan, Tokelau, Türkiye
SG delivers remarks at the closing ceremony of COP21. photo credit_UN Photo_Mark Garten

INDC Support

Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Nationally Determined Contributions: actions by developing countries
Country / Region: Afghanistan, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Bhutan, Burundi, Cambodia, Chad, Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guinea Bissau, Kyrgyz Republic, Lesotho, Maldives, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Turkmenistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe