GNESD worked to promote energy access in developing countries and to establish synergistic opportunities between energy access and development.
The Network’s objective was to promote energy access in developing countries and it did this by undertaking scientific research and providing practical policies that help governments and intergovernmental organizations to further mutually inclusive energy access and development activities. Though GNESD was global, the activities focused on developing country issues, with its 10 member partners covering three continents (Africa, Asia and South America), operating locally at national and regional levels.
The main objective of GNESD were to work with partners to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by:
- Working for a better understanding of the links between environmental energy systems development and environment priorities; technology and policy options leading to better formulation of practical policies that can be adopted to promote and highlight the crucial role of energy for sustainable development
- Working to provide analytical input for governments to consider in formulating their policies and programmes, and the private sector to attract investments in the energy sector, so that these favour energy sector growth for sustainable development especially for the poor in the developing countries
- Promoting a communication infrastructure for Members to share experiences and draw on each other’s strengths, expertise, and skills
- Strengthening South-South and North-South exchange of knowledge and collaboration on energy issues
GNESD was established as a type II intervention from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), with its Secretariat hosted at UNEP DTU Partnership.
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Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy, Supporting sustainable energy & transport access & transition
Country / Region: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean