
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Academy: Helping climate action from idea to financed implementation

The overall objective of the NAMAcademy is to provide focused training on practical issues when designing climate change mitigation policies and actions, as well as assisting in bringing the initial idea to a well-structured concept designed to approach potential financiers. The training provided through the NAMAcademy allows participants to structure their initial climate action concepts into well-structured implementation plan targeted towards financiers and climate finance providers, finally enhancing their chances of achieving implementation.


The NAMAcademy offers coaching to Public Sector Officials, consultants, Civil Society and private sector representatives for the conceptualization of climate change mitigation policies and actions under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change.

The academy’s classroom course curriculum is continuously revised, determined on the basis of participants’ background and needs, advancements in the international climate agenda and lessons learned from existing mitigation initiatives, although, in general the NAMAcademy provides training on the following main subjects:

  • Integration of mitigation actions with national policies, INDCs and regulation
  • The GACMO tool for mitigation scenarios, baselines and GHG reduction calculations
  • Barrier analysis and the creation of enabling environments
  • Bankable and fundable proposals and sources of funding


The training provided through the NAMAcademy allows participants to structure their initial climate action concepts into well-structured implementation plan targeted towards financiers and climate finance providers, enhancing their chances of achieving implementation.

So far the NAMAcademy has resulted in:

  • Provision of online training to 442 registered participants
  • Classroom training in Denmark to 39 participants from 19 different nationalities, including India
  • 1 national NAMAcademy in Mozambique upon request, focusing on the Energy and Forestry  sectors
  • 2 regional NAMAcademy for the LAC region upon request from the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), focusing on the Energy and Waste sectors


The NAMAcademy is mainly an initiative driven by the UNEP DTU Partnership, but has on several occasions partnered up with other institutions, in order to deliver targeted support.

In 2015, the NAMAcademy organized a dedicated training in Mozambique on Energy and Waste NAMA development supported by the Belgian Climate Change Service of the Directorate-General for the Environment. The NAMAcademy has organized regional training in NAMA development for Latin America and Caribbean Region, with focus on the Energy sector, in cooperation with the Latin American Energy Organization in Ecuador in 2016 and Peru in 2017, and one more is expected in Chile in 2018.

Project website

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Focus area: Climate Transparency and Accountability, Toolbox and training for enhanced transparency

Country / Region: Global

Get in touch

Federico Antonio Canu

Advisor - Finance

Phone: +45 4533 5274