Net Zero Strategies for Developing Countries

The project aims to increase countries’ readiness for implementing the net-zero strategy by improving the enabling environment (policy and regulation frameworks) and institutional buy-in.

Alongside Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), long-term strategies (LTS)—net zero strategies (NZS) form the backbone of the Paris Agreement and pave the ground for low-emission development pathways around the globe. The successful delivery of NDC and LTS-NZS targets requires their integration into the national planning and strategic decision-making processes happening at the national and sub-national levels.

Many developing countries need more technical capacities to develop LTS-NZS. While some countries have announced the target year for net zero, the path to zero emissions and peaking year is undefined. The downscaling of net zero strategies at the sub-national level is also limited.

Net Zero Strategies for Developing Countries aims to provide technical capacity to assist countries in elaborating their LTS-NZS, identify sector-level policy responses for achieving net zero pathways, and capacity buildings that integrate net zero pathways into the national policymaking process on climate change, including NDCs.

Net Zero Strategies for Developing Countries is implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida).

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Focus area: Climate Planning and Policy

Country / Region: Ghana, India

Get in touch

Subash Dhar

Senior Scientist - Energy and Transport

Phone: +45 4533 5261
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