Transition of Cities Towards Net Zero Transport in Developing Countries

Helping cities in the developing world transit towards net zero transport

The Paris Agreement establishes a mechanism to fight climate change by contributing to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In 2019, GHG emissions from Transport accounted for about 23% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, of which 70% are from road transport. Thus, urban transport is vital for mitigating GHG emissions within road transport. Even more so in fast-developing Asian and African cities, where rapid urbanization has resulted in a very high demand for motorized transport. Cities are rampant with congestion, and fossil fuel consumption significantly contributes to the ever-increasing GHG emissions. With vehicle registration growing at more than 10% annually in many of these cities, urgent actions are required.

Given the problem faced by cities in developing countries to realize their ambition to move towards net-zero transport and UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre’s experience in developing countries this 3-year activity will support two cities one in India (Rajkot) and one in Ghana (Kumasi) The objective of the activity is to prepare net zero transport plans and support these with roadmaps that will help cities reduce motorization and improve coverage of zero emission vehicles and zero emission transit.

Transition of Cities Towards Net Zero Transport in Developing Countries includes the following activities:

  • Prepare net-zero transport plans using the ‘avoid-shift-improve’ strategies and modern planning methods.
  • Prepare a roadmap for net zero transport.
  • Preparing training materials and mediums for training local stakeholders to improve their capacity in net-zero transport planning.
  • Prepare policy recommendations of relevance to the global-level debate on implementing net-zero transport plans.

The main outcome will be reduced motorization and Improved coverage of zero-emission vehicles and zero-emission transit through the adoption of net-zero transport plans and the roadmap for net-zero transport.

Cities will also have increased their transport planning capacities and will be able to plan for net zero transport. Since the methodology has gender inclusivity and transport accessibility for the vulnerable section and poor a long-term outcome will also be improved accessibility levels for the urban poor, women and other vulnerable sections of society, thus incorporating elements of transport justice.

Transition of Cities Towards Net Zero Transport in Developing Countries is implemented by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida).

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Focus area: Supporting sustainable energy & transport access & transition

Country / Region: Ghana, India

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Talat Munshi

Senior Advisor - Cities and Transport

Phone: +45 4533 5282

Subash Dhar

Senior Scientist - Energy and Transport

Phone: +45 4533 5261
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