Tag: China

China strengthens its implementation of ETF
Facing different climate challenges, China is tackling specific transparency gaps with support from UNEP-CCC and the ICAT project
July 22nd, 2022

First ICAT workshop in China prepares for Paris Agreement rules
Experts from UNEP DTU Partnership were part of the workshop looking at challenges in climate data reporting
May 27th, 2021

Strategic sector collaboration with the Danish Energy Agency
UNEP DTU Partnership and the Danish Energy Agency are working together on district energy solutions, building on Danish expertise and innovation as part of the Strategy Sector Collaboration Program
October 22nd, 2020

New MoU on datacentre sustainability
New agreement focuses on sustainability in Chinese data centres, addressing market and consumer demands
March 10th, 2020

Two awards for Chinese district energy projects
District energy projects designed by UNEP DTU Partnership researcher have won awards for energy efficiency
October 18th, 2018

Reports on Energy Efficiency in China and India launched at SEforALL Forum
The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency officially launched two reports on energy efficiency in China and India at the SEforAll Forum in New York on Monday, 3 April. Fuel efficiency standards, solar rooftop systems, and public transport improvements are just a few of the success stories detailed in two new reports on energy efficiency in China and India. Going back as far […]
April 6th, 2017

Workshop for High Impact Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in China
A workshop on High Impact Opportunities (HIOs) to further energy efficiency in China was organised on 13 December in Beijing. The workshop was organised by the Tsinghua University and the Energy Research Institute of NDRC, which have been engaged by the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency to jointly carry out the study on identifying high impact opportunities for further and […]
December 14th, 2016

Chinese Delegation Visit to Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Two high-level Chinese delegations visited Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency for exploration of research collaboration and international cooperation opportunities to facilitate energy efficiency development in China. Two delegations representing China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and China National Energy Conservation Centre (NECC) visited the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) as part of their study tour to Denmark. The visit, […]
September 30th, 2016