UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre launches groundbreaking energy efficiency initiative in Mauritius
A project designed to overcome financial barriers for investment in energy efficiency in Mauritius through services provided by Energy Service Companies was initiated in February.
February 17th, 2025

Driving energy efficiency: Ukraine joins global ESCO Network
The Ukrainian Association of Energy Service Companies (UAESCO) has joined the Global ESCO Network, strengthening international collaboration to drive energy efficiency. Upcoming webinar will highlight achievements and resilience, showcasing energy modernization efforts despite significant challenges.
January 13th, 2025

Colombia advances climate action: Final workshop unveils strategies for NDC implementation
Four years of work on climate action in Colombia concluded with validation of outputs on NDC governance, finance for energy efficiency and AFOLU, and promoting ESCOs
October 8th, 2024

The Global ESCO Network sets the stage for energy efficiency action
The Global ESCO Network highlighted the potential for impact and planned future ESCO climate action
June 9th, 2022

Kenya kickstarts a Super ESCO for boosting energy efficiency
The new Super Energy Service Company will boost investments in energy efficiency and is linked to technical support from UNEP DTU Partnership.
October 6th, 2021

The Global ESCO Network continues to expand
The ESCO Association of South Africa joins Global the ESCO Network recently to learn from other ESCO markets across the world.
July 5th, 2021

Join the webinar – Incorporating Energy Service Companies in Nationally Determined Contributions
Webinar, July 7, 2 – 3 PM CEST Since the global climate change agenda first dawned, energy efficiency has held out the promise of the most cost-efficient options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It practice, it has delivered poorly on that promise, as recorded evidence from practically all frameworks emerging from the climate change negotiations have shown. Why is that […]
June 29th, 2021

The ESCO library is now open
In a new library, UNEP DTU Partnership is hosting the bulk of global literature on Energy Service Companies.
June 21st, 2021

Perspectives: ESCOs in the context of Nationally Determined Contributions
New publication shows how energy service companies can help ramp up energy efficiency investments to reach Paris Agreement climate goals
December 10th, 2020

2019: A year of change and action
As the end of 2019 draws near, UNEP DTU Partnership would like to thank our partners in all sectors for all your efforts and collaboration in the last year. Together we have created and supported projects and research that brings us closer to a climate-resilient world for future generations, where developing countries prosper using low carbon energy sources in the […]
December 30th, 2019