Tag: loss and damage

Loss and damage at COP28
New publication outlines climate negotiation agreements covering Loss and damage
December 21st, 2023

Adaptation Gap Report: As climate impacts accelerate, finance gap for adaptation efforts at least 50% bigger than thought
Finance needs of developing countries are now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows, with a growing gap from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance. Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages.
November 2nd, 2023

New transparency guides for decision makers addressing climate change adaptation and loss and damage
Two new guides for climate adaptation and one for assessing climate-induced losses and damages have been launched with ICAT.
June 22nd, 2023

Loss and damage: Taking stock and identifying priorities
Action agenda based on Loss and Damage workshop points to the need for continued work to address gaps and raise awareness
March 6th, 2023

Loss and Damage at COP26
A new summary of the main COP26 agreements affecting climate change-driven loss and damage
November 17th, 2021

Commentary of Article 8 of the Paris Agreement focusing on loss and damage associated with climate change impacts.
“Commentary on the Paris Agreement”, a forthcoming edited book by Edward Elgar Publishing, gives an overview of the various individual articles in the Paris Agreement. Each chapter corresponds to one article, and is written by world-class specialists on the issues pertaining to the article in question. Leonie Reins (Tilburg University) and Geert van Calster (KU Leuven) have edited the book. […]
March 24th, 2020

COP25 – Loss and Damage outcomes
A new summary of the main COP25 agreements affecting climate change-induced loss and damage
December 17th, 2019

New guidance on reporting about loss and damage under the Paris Agreement’s transparency framework
New policy brief with guidance on countries' voluntary reporting on loss and damage
July 4th, 2019

Loss and damage outcomes of COP24
A new summary of the main COP24 agreements affecting climate change-induced loss and damage
January 11th, 2019