Tag: solar

Solar e-cookers cut costs and emissions in Uganda
Solar e-cookers are reducing fuel costs, improving air quality, and cutting emissions in Uganda. Supported by UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, they are now prioritized in Uganda’s Climate Finance Strategy.
November 10th, 2024

Healthier homes, greener futures: The shift to e-cooking in Uganda
Uganda is prioritizing electric cooking to cut costs, improve health, and reduce CO₂ emissions, aiming for 20% adoption by 2030 with support from UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre.
November 3rd, 2024

Kick-starting the market for e-cooking for displaced people and host communities
New financing mechanism to address energy poverty, health, deforestation and security issues for some of the world’s most vulnerable groups
January 23rd, 2024

Solar powering displaced populations
Electric cooking powered by solar PV presented at Africa Climate Week event focusing on the needs of displaced people
September 8th, 2023

A new perspective on solar power in Africa
A new special issue journal co-edited by UNEP DTU Partnership looks at the political and socio-cultural dimensions of solar power technology across the continent.
October 12th, 2018
New Publication on Market based Rural Electrification released
UNEP DTU Partnership has released a new publication ‘The emerging market for pico-scale solar PV systems in Sub-Saharan Africa’, that focuses on the emergence of market based rural electrification in this region. The traditional model of rural electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) mainly involves donor and government-supported programs. Recently, however, a rapid and significant increase has occurred in the sale […]
November 30th, 2016