Tag: Tanzania

Using carbon markets to drive equitable climate action: COP29 highlights
The IAA6 project helps Peru, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania use Article 6 carbon markets to boost climate action. At COP29, it showcased its unique focus on strategy and South-South cooperation.
November 20th, 2024

Advancing Article 6 carbon market readiness in Peru, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka
Integrated Assessment for Article 6 project started in Peru, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka to align international carbon markets with global climate goals and national development priorities
April 2nd, 2024

New Carbon Market Partnerships
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre and three countries will be working together to develop a carbon market toolbox for emissions trading under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
December 22nd, 2023

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre contributes to new publication on cooking in displacement settings
In displacement settings, providing cooking solutions that reduce negative impacts on the environment and health remains a challenge for local governments, humanitarian agencies, businesses and refuge
January 29th, 2019

“Our future in the market is promising and bright”
Based on the successful AREED facility UNEP DTU Partnership is distributing reflow funds to social enterprises in Africa. In Tanzania, this means healthier and greener cooking.
September 20th, 2018

Building on lessons learned to help African NGOs establish social energy enterprises
UNEP DTU Partnership is distributing reflow funds to social enterprises working with clean and renewable energy throughout Africa, and it is working.
September 19th, 2018