Tag: TNA

Driving climate ambition in conflict prone regions
Yemen and Somalia are using climate technology to strengthen resilience in the face of conflict and environmental challenges. Their Technology Needs Assessments and Technology Action Plans outline concrete pathways to secure water, improve agriculture, and shape national climate strategies.
February 6th, 2025

Climate technology advances through TNAs and the Climate Technology Progress Report
The UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee discussed needs assessments and agreed on COP29 key messages based on the Climate Technology Progress Report
October 1st, 2024

New phase of Technology Needs Assessments starts
17 countries are joining the Technology Needs Assessment project, prioritizing technologies for climate action and developing plans for funding and deployment
September 6th, 2024

Trinidad and Tobago secures first GCF funding for carbon capture and storage
Based on the priorities in the Technology Needs Assessment, Trinidad and Tobago has secured the first ever Green Climate Fund support for a carbon capture and storage project
July 4th, 2024

Leveraging Technology Action Plans for ambitious climate action
The Role of technology in climate action and how to increase ambitions in NDCs through implementation of Technology Action Plans
June 7th, 2024

1.8 billion dollars in climate investments informed by Technology Needs Assessments
More than 1.8 billion dollars have been invested in climate technology in TNA related projects through the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility
March 5th, 2024

TNA IV countries moving on to barrier analysis and enabling frameworks
As part of the TNA project, a group of Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States are well on their way to developing concrete action plans for climate technology implementation.
December 7th, 2023

COP28: Technology needs and the Global Stocktake
COP28 highlights the crucial link between Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and climate commitments, pivotal for the Paris Agreement's Global Stocktake
December 6th, 2023

Implementing and financing climate technologies
TNA Workshop focused on implementation and financing of climate technology and how to overcome barriers for mitigation and adaptation action
October 13th, 2023

A stocktake: From technology needs to implementation
Africa Climate Week event stressed importance of needs-based climate technology and of anchoring Technology Needs Assessments in national strategies to overcome barriers
September 8th, 2023