This policy note provides a summary and perspectives of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus for climate-resilient sustainable development. It showcases the strong inter-relationship between water resources, energy generation, food production and freshwater ecosystems and the links between the WEFE nexus and integrated water resources management (IWRM). The WEFE nexus emphasizes using a systems approach to give equal consideration to all four […]

Publisher: UNEP-DHI
Published Year: 2024
Number of Pages: 4

The first Global Stocktake (GST) will come to its conclusion at COP28 in Dubai, questions regarding the exact outcome of the process and how it will be translated into action remain open. Currently the GST is preparing its political component under the final phase “Consideration of Outputs”, where the focus will be discussing the implications and findings of the technical […]

Publisher: UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Published Year: 2023
Number of Pages: 8

This policy brief dives deeper into the role of development assistance (ODA) flows in climate mitigation and adaptation technologies. It highlights the climate technology needs of developing countries, as collated through the technology needs assessment TNA, and tracks the development finance resources channeled to climate technologies, drawing on the DAC database of the OECD, to conduct analysis and reveal shared […]

Publisher: UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Published Year: 2022
Number of Pages: 24