Partnerships for climate action: Adaptation on your phone
Partnerships with the private sector and innovative business models in the ADMIRE project moves us towards SDGs and climate goals. In Ghana through the mobile phone.
July 18th, 2019

Partnerships for climate action: Sustainable schools
Partnerships with the private sector and innovative business models in the ADMIRE project moves us towards SDGs and climate goals.
May 10th, 2019

Partnerships for climate action: Sustainable cooking
Partnerships with the private sector and innovative business models in the ADMIRE project moves us towards SDGs and climate goals.
April 22nd, 2019

Enhanced Public – Private Partnerships – ADMIRE project mobilizes 15 times initial investment
A stocktake of the ADMIRE project shows its initiatives throughout the world have attracted private sector funding totalling 52 million dollars.
June 29th, 2018

ADMIRE result: Colombia cuts taxes for green cook stoves
Advocacy by UNEP DTU partner has resulted in a VAT exemption on improved cook stoves, a step towards a market with efficient cooking that helps environment and health.
February 14th, 2018

Chilean schools get solar power through ADMIRE pilot project
Solar panels and LED-lighting in six schools in Chile will form part of a pilot project on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The project's origins were created by UNEP DTU partner EBP and supported through ADMIRE.
February 7th, 2018

ADMIRE Project – Empowering farmers to withstand climate change through interactive mobile phone use
In Ghana, most farming techniques are passed on through the family and within the community. Few farmers have formal agricultural training or use modern techniques. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana and some NGOs are working to remedy this issue. The challenge with agricultural extension is that it needs to be done at scale, while being customized to […]
October 27th, 2016