UNEP DTU is an implementing partner of the project “Climate Enhancement Package (CAEP) financed by the NDC Partnership.CAEP assists developing countries, members of the NDC Partnership, in achieving two overarching objectives:
- Objective 1. Enhance NDCs, including by raising ambition, as part of the Paris Agreement’s NDC update process;
- Objective 2. Fast-track implementation of NDCs, including by providing in-country technical expertise and capacity building.
The CAEP intends to catalyze transformational change towards resilient, sustainable, and low-emission development, supporting the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
CAEP Chile
Through the CAEP, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) is supporting the government of Chile to track progress towards the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets established in its updated NDC. This project will establish the tools and procedures for carbon budget calculation, and long-term planning on the basis of these. This will be done in consultation with the relevant actors, public, private and civil society actors. This process will build the capacity of these actors, and the knowledge products (tools, methods and procedures) generated will be integrated into Chile’s procedures. These activities are a key part of the implementation, updating and tracking of Chile´s NDC. The focus of this project is to support the sectorial carbon budget allocation process to 2030 and its incorporation in the design process of Chile’s Long-Term Climate Strategy. Moreover, it will propose a methodology of the carbon budget allocation for the future update process of the climate goals.
CAEP Panama
Through the CAEP, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) is supporting the government of Panama with the establishment of the institutional arrangements for coordinate the climate finance activities, developing a baseline study of what exists in Panama in regards to the definition of climate finance framework, current climate finance strategies and/or instruments, and the institutional arrangements to collect and report the data. Moreover, UDP is developing a proposal for institutional arrangements, including a national task force for climate finance, coordination and the tools and guidelines for relevant actors and the national task force on how to apply the proposed definitions undertaking climate finance strategies and/or instruments and implement the institutional arrangements. UDP is also supporting the Government with capacity building activities for the understanding and development of long-term climate planning, identify existing information in Panama for long-term planning, and project scenarios for energy, waste and industrial processes and product use (IPPU). The scope is to strengthen the capacity of Panamanian actors, public and private, for long term planning for low carbon development, and create a roadmap for further defining this work.
Webinar “Introducción al financiamiento climático y arreglos institucionales”
Day 1: Recording Presentations
Day 2: Recording Presentations
Day 3: Recording Presentations
CAEP Morocco
Through the CAEP, UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) is supporting the government of Morocco to carry out a Needs and Barriers Assessment to identify knowledge gaps and barriers stakeholders are facing when developing NDC costings and cost-benefit analysis.
Moreover, UDP will develop targeted training materials for NDC costing (with an emphasis on identified gaps, and focusing on non-costed adaptation actions) and cost-benefit analysis that provide guidance on calculating costs and benefits of NDC actions.
Workshop “Développement des capacités financières dans le but d’atteindre les CDN”
Day 1: Recording
Day 2: Recording
Project website